Saturday 11 May 2024

5 Proven Strategies for Airlines to Boost Their Image with User-Generated Content

In the highly competitive airline industry, crafting a positive brand image is paramount to attracting and retaining customers. One of the most effective ways to enhance your airline's reputation is by leveraging the power of user-generated content (UGC). UGC, which includes photos, videos, reviews, and social media posts created by your passengers, serves as authentic social proof and can significantly influence potential customers' perceptions of your brand. In this blog post, we will explore five key strategies that top carriers are utilizing to boost their image through UGC.

Strategy 1: Leverage Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, provide an ideal avenue for airlines to showcase UGC. Leading carriers have recognized the potential of these platforms and are actively encouraging passengers to share their experiences using branded hashtags and mentions. For instance, JetBlue Airways has a dedicated Instagram account, @jetbluecheeps, solely for sharing user-generated travel photos and stories. By engaging with their community and reposting UGC, JetBlue not only builds brand visibility but also fosters a sense of loyalty among its customers.

To effectively leverage social media, airlines should:

  • Create unique, branded hashtags that are easy to remember and promote them across various touchpoints.
  • Actively monitor and engage with UGC by liking, commenting, and reposting content.
  • Run social media contests and giveaways to incentivize passengers to share their experiences.

Strategy 2: Implement a Robust Review System

Online reviews play a crucial role in shaping an airline's reputation. Potential customers often rely on reviews from fellow passengers to make informed decisions about their travel plans. Implementing a robust review system that encourages genuine feedback can help airlines improve their services and build trust with their audience.

To ensure the effectiveness of your review system:

  • Make it easy for passengers to leave reviews by providing links in post-flight emails and on your website.
  • Respond to both positive and negative reviews in a timely and professional manner, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction.
  • Utilize review data to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to enhance the passenger experience.

Strategy 3: Create Engaging Hashtag Campaigns

Hashtag campaigns have proven to be highly effective in generating UGC and increasing brand visibility. Emirates, for example, ran the "Emirates View from Above" campaign, inviting passengers to share their aerial photos taken on Emirates flights. The best photos were featured on Emirates' official website and in their in-flight entertainment system, creating a sense of excitement and engagement among passengers.

To launch a successful hashtag campaign:

  • Develop a unique, catchy, and relevant hashtag that aligns with your brand's values and messaging.
  • Promote the hashtag across various channels, including social media, in-flight announcements, and marketing materials.
  • Offer incentives, such as prizes or featured spotlights, to encourage participation.

Strategy 4: Utilize UGC on Company Website and Marketing Materials

Incorporating UGC on your airline's official platforms, such as your website and marketing materials, can add authenticity and credibility to your brand's message. By showcasing real passenger experiences, you can create a more relatable and trustworthy image.

Best practices for utilizing UGC on your company's platforms include:

  • Selecting high-quality, visually appealing content that aligns with your brand's aesthetic.
  • Obtaining permission from the content creators before using their UGC.
  • Providing proper attribution to the creators to show appreciation and build goodwill.

Strategy 5: Engage with UGC Creators

Building relationships with UGC creators is essential for fostering a loyal community around your airline's brand. By engaging with and showing appreciation for the content creators, you can encourage them to continue sharing their experiences and become brand advocates.

To effectively engage with UGC creators:

  • Like, comment, and share their content on social media platforms.
  • Reach out to them directly to express gratitude for their contributions.
  • Offer exclusive perks, such as upgrades or invitations to special events, to your most active and influential UGC creators.


User-generated content is a powerful tool for airlines looking to boost their image and build a strong, positive reputation. By leveraging social media platforms, implementing a robust review system, creating engaging hashtag campaigns, utilizing UGC on official platforms, and engaging with content creators, airlines can harness the authentic voices of their passengers to enhance their brand's perception.

As demonstrated by the successful strategies employed by JetBlue Airways, Emirates, and Southwest Airlines, incorporating UGC into your airline's marketing efforts can lead to increased brand visibility, customer loyalty, and overall success in the competitive aviation industry.

We encourage airlines to embrace these five proven strategies and start leveraging the power of user-generated content to soar to new heights in brand image and customer satisfaction.

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